Amy Daughton

Institution: University of Birmingham

Position: Co-Investigator


I am an Associate Professor in Practical Theology at the University of Birmingham. I understand theology to be a fundamentally practical endeavour, concerned with questions of responsibility, just institutions, and moral life in a plural society. Such questions are places where conceptual and contextual theology are necessarily mutually informing. My research consequently focuses on meeting points between theology, politics and practice. There are two strands to this work. This first is my established and ongoing work on Paul Ricoeur, whose understanding of self, other and institution offers ways to make sense of diverse questions of contemporary life, such as the rise of political populism, diversity within the political community, and the role of religion in public reasoning. Frequently this work also attends to the question of disciplinary distinctions. The second strand assesses a constellation of contemporary issues through the lenses of political theology. Most recently that has included work on development theory, relating the work of Catholic Social Thought and the capability approach. I am beginning to expand that work from CST into questions of care, labour and justice. While continuing to draw on public theology to frame my contributions to these questions, I situate my own perspective within the resources of Catholic theology.

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    Department of Theology and Religion
    ERI Building
    University of Birmingham
    Birmingham B15 2TT
    United Kingdom
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