[coming soon]
Dow, K. (2024, June). Images of God: Creative theology with people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Talk presented at the Institute on Theology and Disability. Boston, MA.
Read MoreKašparová, P. (2024, July). Art, spirituality, and healing. Talk presented at The Faraday Institute Summer Course. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Read MoreKašparová, P. (2024, August). Look! This is my faith: Material rendering of imagery of 'divine' and 'faith' among practising Christian artists. Paper presented at the biennial European Conference on Science and Theology. Split, Croatia.
Read MoreŁazarewicz-Wyrzykowska, E. (2024, August). The soul and essence of religion: A theological critique of existing prayer scales. Paper presented at the biennial European Conference on Science and Theology. Split, Croatia.
Read MoreWaite, H. (2024, August). Navigating religious experiences in mental health: Clinicians’ perspectives and patient narratives. Paper presented at the biennial European Conference on Science and Theology. Split, Croatia.
Read MoreWaite, H. (2024, July). Exploring clinicians' perceptions of patients' religious experiences in illness: A qualitative inquiry. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society. Frankfurt, Germany.
Read MoreWaite, H. (2024, May). Navigating dual realities: A case study exploration of the “both-and” lens of understanding religious experiences in mania. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Academy of Religion. Palermo, Italy.
Read MoreWatanabe, S., Sharp, C. A., Catling, J. C., & Jones, S. H. (2024, February). How do Christian theologians perceive psychology? Preliminary insights from focus group interviews and workshop surveys. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Pre-Conference on Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. San Diego, CA.
Read MoreWatanabe, S., Sharp, C. A., & Catling, J. C. (2024, July). The other side of the coin: Theologians, psychologists, and collaboration. Talk presented at the annual conference of the International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society. Frankfurt, Germany.
Read MoreWatanabe, S., Tanton, T., Waite, H., Łazarewicz-Wyrzykowska, E., Kašparová, P., Perez, J., & Daughton, A. (2024, August). When psychologists and theologians walk into a bar: Panel discussion on interdisciplinary collaborations and lessons learned from the Cross-Training Fellowship Program. Panel presentation at the biennial European Conference on Science and Theology. Split, Croatia.
Read MoreJoin our innovative exploration at the nexus of psychology and theology. Our project aims to enrich theological research with the latest psychological insights, offering a unique opportunity for scholars to deepen their understanding of human nature and ethics.